Before lunch, I asked the students in the Y7/8 class I am in today to rate the lunches 1-5 fingers using raised hands, 1 being “ew gross” and 5 being “OMG this is great”. The majority raised 1 finger, and about five students had 2 fingers raised.
The bell goes and out I go with the students to get lunch. There are three classes in this team with 80 students. I would say ¼ of the kids at the most took a lunch. So that's about 60 lunches untouched.
I struggled to remove the foil, and I needed to use a concrete garden wall to get any purchase to peel it off after stabbing it with the fork. I then took the photo accompanying this post.
It looked OK, but I am not a fan of carrots in a tomato sauce or with pasta, so it's already challenging my brain. First taste: I can taste the beef mince, and that's the only taste. The carrots are tasteless. The sauce is tasteless. It definitely needs seasoning.
I make my own pasta sauce and I pack in the garlic and herbs and use capsicum, mushrooms, onions and zucchini to make it taste great. The School Lunch Collective do not.
I did eat the whole meal, because my mum taught me to clear the plate, but I'm not left with a pleasant aftertaste. I'm left feeling I should have something more, but there's no fruit or biscuit supplied by the School Lunch Collective to Year 7 and 8 students.
So now I've written this very long post, I'm off the the staffroom to raid the fruit bowl. After school I foresee a trip to the dairy or a drive thru because I'll be hungry as.
P.S. after two passionfruit, I can still feel the taste of the mince and I'm starving already.